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I was stabbed 7 times right by my house because “I’m a nigger”. This woman chased me down and started stabbing me. She said it’s because I was a nigger and that’s all I could hear while I was being stabbed. I can’t move my neck at all. I’m scared to be alone. I asked people to help me because she was stabbing me and nobody helped. Until someone did, actually a few people did & I am thankful for you. I pray to God that if you have any kind of hatred in your heart towards black people that you heal it. I didn’t deserve this, nobody does. Oh & btw I’m still fucking proud to be black. @shaunking , please help me. They only are charging her with a felony battery with a deadly weapon. I feel like she deserves attempted murder and also this is a HATE CRIME. SHE CALLED ME A NIGGER & THERE ARE WITNESSES ???????? SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE PLEASE!!!!!!! Update: THEY BOOKED HER FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER, BATTERY WITH A DEADLY WEAPON, AND A HATE CRIME. PRELIMINARY HEARING WILL BE THIS MONTH.

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